T-shirts are cheap – ADVERTISING IS EXPENSIVE …

E X P O S U R E   I S  E V E R Y T H I N G


When you are in business of any size or kind you want people to know and see and experience your brand.

When you brand a T-shirt,
The leverage comes in many times someone puts your branded T-shirt on and where they go when they have it on …

The master stroke is opposed to a billboard or Ad online or on TV or product placement or whatever is… 


Why does anyone choose a certain shirt?
How does it make a person feel about themselves when it’s on?

‘There are some T-shirts you wear for years till they literally fall off’ 

These are your favourite t-shirts – they fit – and make you feel comfortable.

‘We are in the business of creating those favourite T-shirts’


We print in non toxic fashion finish long lasting inks – we print from 6 different brands of excellent fitting blanks – we are into the art of t-shirts so we care if your colours are working and your designs are the right size – we can mock-up your art to approve before we go to print – we keep your films forever – we deliver anywhere.

We print for everyone from painters and mechanics to artist doing their own brands through high end fashion.

‘Walk your talk’- Seriously, put your message on your crew!
Call us on 9550 6965 – we make printing favourite shirts look easy.
or browse our guide below and still call us …
Download the ‘5 Minute T-shirt Print Guide Free

Ultimate 5 Minute T-Shirt Guide

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